Friday, March 24, 2006

Why Use Daylight Headlights


In the area of \u200b\u200bpeople management have seen how tools and methods are emerging that are moving through our organizations with more pain than glory. It is true that many of them were tacitly in organizations and what is done is explicit, it sometimes causes a loss of freshness and naturalness previously had. In other cases, print some of these tools methodology has clear benefits. Some are reaching an undoubted reputation. No doubt in recent times one of the stars has been and remains the Coaching in all its forms. In general terms the role of the Coach is to provide professional assistance to individuals and groups to achieve improved performance in activities desempeƱan.Este goal is inherent and essential to the work of manager, but sometimes organizations are so immersed in their day to day we need some outside resources to perform certain functions that pertained to the members of the misma.Es clear the added value that a good coach has to a professional or occupational group, provided that this tool is part of a development plan be integrated and more of the same activity, to supplement and support other development activities. What I see in recent times with some wonder, is how companies use coaching with two goals in principle, have little or nothing to do with the above mentioned, namely:
1 .- As a marketing tool of the human resources function : Remember to where each boasted of hours of training imparted to its employees, flexible benefits packages with an ever expanding menu, etc. .., now the new coach ratio is how many I have hired and how many directors and managers of my organization I have included in a coaching program, ie, inventing a new word coach.
2 .- As an apology, excuse, justification, washing awareness or image before the realization of a previously adopted decision : few years ago, we stayed calm, when, after an improvement plan as a manager or control was not performed well, After a few months finally dispensed with it. It seemed so we gave him an opportunity for improvement, and subsequently watched the results we had no choice but to implement the decision we had made months ago. Being honest can say that very few plans for improvements have succeeded in restoring to the people in an acceptable performance level in their organizations. It seems as if it were necessary to show that we were right, and the only thing that matters is to save face before the rest of the organization. It's like having the manager on death row awaiting execution. Observed a very similar dynamic in recent years as far as coaching concerns, "we will put a coach to see if it improves," I've seen lately that many managers have left their organizations and those who had previously assigned a coach. It is still surprising, because if a coach's mission is to help improve performance and this is not achieved, it seems we can conclude that we are in a situation similar to the aforementioned improvement plans. That is, the coach acts of apology or justification for the decision. Yet in these cases the situation has some nuances even more complex, since the work of the coach is usually in most cases led to managerial attitudes, skills, leadership styles, ie less tangible aspects that related to the performance, which border on what is acceptable and what is not, is much more diffuse.
I hope we know among all limit the role of Coach to those aspects that really has a clear added value, and shun the surrogate generate nothing good in our organizations will not be that some start to tremble when your boss or human resource person that will suggest or communicate you going to put a coach in your life.

Friday, March 10, 2006

When Do Ocean Sunfish Usually Get Attacked

very few dates ago reflected a good colleague and friend, on the future of our society and our organizations. After an intense and at times heated debate, we concluded that both areas were inseparable and that inevitably will interrelation, with the causes and effects while back.
review what the "prior art" and without wishing to be much less pessimistic saw some dark clouds on the horizon. These clouds is what I call the "new social sins." These sins are being naturalized in our society and our businesses, and in many cases we have taken as normal behavior. I recently heard the term "unawarness Skills" to define those individual behaviors that we have and because they are part of ourselves does not repair them (eg if we are used to scream when we talk, we will not be aware of this issue, however bother us the cries of others), following the same path there are certain behaviors and attitudes which can be assimilated in this state unconsciousness. The new social sins to which we refer have this effect and are permeating evil in both society and are unable to differentiate and become normal behavior that is their real danger.
single out three attitudes / sins they begin to have a devastating effect on our relations would social and business:
1 .- lie or the lack of rigor in the truth observed as daily are not telling the truth and the famous phrase "where I say, I say diego" is commonly applied. Numerous recent examples could be cited, the numbers of participants in the demonstrations, statements about certain incidents, and what still seems more bleeding, the lack of rigor of the media in reporting. Not the same as either the maximum and minimum temperatures are the same from one period to another. It is logical to understand that each medium has its editorial line and thus express their views but it is deplorable that the information will appear as an "egg with a chestnut" depending on where you read, hear or see the information. This being serious, the worst thing is that eventually each of us seeks the information in the media that are more congenial to our interests. And no wonder, therefore, the excessive interest political groups is to control the media.
2 .- The lack of confidence or rather lack of confidence, certain areas of society have been and are what distinguish one from another advanced society that is not so. One of these is education, those countries that have invested in this section get better rates of social development. Was there at some point in recent history, a crisis of confidence in education as we live now?. The living teaching professionals every day is a lack of social recognition and also a loss of value in consideration that society gives them including their working conditions. Is there something so important in a society such as education and training of future generations?. There are other critical sectors such as health and increasingly looks more hindered its recognition. The situation of doctors and other health professionals in the world is plagued by mistrust and lack of recognition for this work. 3 .-
free forgiveness, it seems that the three new sins, this might be the least important. The truth is that it has a more quiet but very devastating long-term.
The company is losing the value that forgiveness has. When someone apologizes to do so from a profound reflection of having committed an error. No need to identify the error as a failure. Our country has a tendency to identify as well, I think quite the contrary, the well-founded error is a great opportunity for improvement (what would have happened if Edison's light bulb would not have tried more than a thousand times?), Which is not be confused is that learning from mistakes is also repairing the damage we have caused, and not to err in the same way again. Who errs and once satisfied with simple apology, without having internalized the failures, is sure to again make the same mistake and order a new forgiveness entitling her to continue acting in the wrong way.
If we can not minimize the impact of these social sins we will have an unenviable company. You must be loyal to the values \u200b\u200band principles, truth and ethical sense of coexistence and respect for others.