Communication "Internal" in the Company Strategy
Unquestionably, if we agree on something almost everyone is that the twenty-first century society Society information. Commented in a recent statistic that every 80 days is twice the volume of information available in the world, beyond the fact accurate or not, it is clear that the volume of information we receive is enormous.
How does this impact on the daily evolution of the business world? It seems logical that companies with the tools and resources available today, can make a much more informative work with their employees. It is undeniable that some of this is true, but it is also true that the saturation of both information channels and tools, you can create even more frustrating situations than before.
few weeks ago I had the opportunity to share a meeting with Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric for many years and one of the most admired executives and advisers. Asked in an interview about how technology affects business and its results, said: "I have not heard any executive said that with computers and mobile phones have improved life on the other hand - taking his Blackberry from his pocket recorders may be evil, I do not see how a manager can convey emotion, passion for a project, enthusiasm and commitment through this tool. I've always needed to see the eyes of the people I've worked ... .. ".
An example of course the new tools are not serve to replace the key role of "manager or chief" as essential and vital channel in the communication process, in any case, the tools used correctly can help decisively to improving communication and facilitating at the same time difficult task of managers.
In Spain, the study Cranfield-Esade 2005 was data that make us think that the long awaited "commitment of employees with the company" has not been reached and that new channels and tools have failed properly to employees. One example is that a quarter of staff are not informed about their duties and over a third of the operating personnel know their duties. The situation is very different in other European countries that includes the study.
Some of the most common mistakes that lead these situations are:
1 .- Lack of coherence or consistency between information and reality: The companies in an effort to inform and communicate corporately messages released that employees feel little identified. The facts of everyday life do not accompany the speeches and information that are published. Many times there is great difference between what is said and what is done.
2 .- False information issued: A few weeks ago a English multinational power company was ordered by a court of social discrimination and the employee portal featured a story saying he had been acquitted. What credibility can have that channel and a half to employees who know or may know the reality? As I said the magician Merlin in the movie of the same name "The reputation is like a mirror when you can no longer breaks rebuild. "
3 .- Lack of participation and updating content, methods or tools: When a feed or channel does not eat, lose its effectiveness.
how employees want to communicate with the company?
DIRCOM A study in 2003 reveals some clues already mentioned:
Nearly 40% of employees preferred as the first source to your manager. Second is the preferential source Intranet 20%.
The first, as a second source is the email, with just over 20%.
Over 70% of respondents have chosen the immediate superior in the top three positions as a source of information
is possible that in the interests of more technical information is being lost or leaving the essential background work of officers in the employee communication, highlighted by a study in another interesting year Corporate Executive Board 2004 on employee engagement and ways to increase it. Of the ten identified as key levers, four are directly related to the boss and communication skills: