On Monday, the return to work after the Easter holiday period, had a meeting first thing in a service leader in its sector of activity. The office, which had been previously, is apparently a place that could be considered a pleasant working environment. While waiting to hold the meeting with one of the heads of that company, had arrived some minutes before, I was taken to a room that was in a place which in those minutes transited several employees of the company that had just get to the office to start their journey. Each had a different attitude that made me think about how we approach our work colleagues earlier in the day. The truth is that few minutes were extremely interesting and led me to make a compendium of attitudes that occurred during that time and are usually see daily in our organizations and we broadcast ourselves to others.
I posted so a name to give a bit more informal. 1 .-
The sleepwalker : The first person who appeared before me went through looking but not seeing, as if he were still sleeping in the office and out of step to your final awakening. How many of us we pass people in the offices that we simply ignore because they have never been important to us? Or just welcome when accompanied by the boss? 2 .-
The shy : The second move was one that notices your presence but does not dare to say hello and whispers loudly between his teeth with a gesture of complicity in an unintelligible "good morning" trying to seek some understanding in your reply. 3 .-
The busy : It's going really fast even first thing in the morning after your holiday and walking through the rooms of the office with the lights off, because its focus is on the file on the other side of the room, only if you change a site furniture and put in their way perceived change, with what you invisible forms part of the furniture that day, if not annoying. 4 .-
The rude : What is the employee for which your presence so early in the office is a nuisance, since you're an outsider you're ruining the moment is the return to work, and I therefore directed a sharp look with an expression halfway between contempt and disregard.
At this point the feeling one has is that is in the right place at the wrong time, and surely - although he is satisfied that there is good work environment in the enterprise-not for both a good atmosphere.
Luckily things start to change, and appeared the other:
The sleepless : Spend a second time, "La Sonnambula" has already woken up and gives you a good morning greeting very correct, has looked and has seen you, now I noticed your presence, before he was in his world and now you're in the office.
The Gay : Finally gets a person wasting sympathy, and you plant a good morning and smiling with joy, almost singing and that is spreading to the rest his soul, and will devote the same enthusiasm, excitement and animosity to a greeting everyone so full of optimism for the moment it looks as if that office is suddenly light up and finally started to shine differently. ¡¡¡¡¡
How contagious are these attitudes !!!!.
still remember an organization in which I was responsible for a department began to take a measurement of our state of mind every day, introducing a bunch of different colors depending on our mood upon arrival at our department and doing the same go. We carefully count each day, we share, we were unable to advance and deepen why? a few days began well and ended worse, or why some less well began and ended better. The truth is that probably at least served to each of us to reflect on what affected us in our mind before we begin our work day and during it. Another aspect that surely we see is that certain attitudes of certain people we influenced and were infectious to others. Posts
to spread better be something positive, so the next day when I get to his job, his office or the first meeting say without shame and joy
¡¡¡¡¡ Good morning !!!!!!.