Surge this article straight from Jesus Cacho published in the newspaper "El Mundo" in his "Wheel of Fortune" on Sunday 16 April. It explains the movements that seem to the President of the Santander Group is doing to promote a company union and keep the majority in the bank unions (UGT and CCOO, CGT and AMI).
'm a believer in freedom of representation and democratic and constitutional rights, but I also believe that in the business environment there must be ample room for the power of business organization. English trade unions today majority, I believe, have lost and are losing their representation in the workplace and companies. They do have an interesting institutional work in negotiating the terms of the labor market with employers and government.
mission is not sustainable in protest of the past councils. The work environment leaves little room for his actions, for some situations that are occurring and which we shall briefly enumerate:
a) Workplaces increasingly small and scattered (schedules, groups, subcontractors, etc)
b) Lack of homogeneous structure labor market (labor market is very rigid and with good working conditions for employees with greater seniority and against insecurity in the young with a very eleveda timing and a reduced economic conditions.
c) Dramatic increase services sector and reduction of employees in the industrial sector and the so called primary, usually highly unionized.
d) Privatization progressive public sector.
e) Globalization and internationalization of enterprises.
f) Increased academic and training of employees, with the consequent process of individualization of labor relations.
Against this backdrop, companies have a great opportunity to enhance management models based on the individualization of labor relations, building trust in their employees and anticipating the need for them. Taking advantage of this opportunity and renewed the psychological contract between employee and company so stunned at this time, organizations will notice a substantial improvement in employee commitment and results.
The goal is not to eliminate the trade unions and replace class with more or less related, it is not to exclude anyone, but it is the organization through integrated systems, and especially of some controls to understand that their main mission is to lead a team and get the best results, with the enthusiastic participation of everyone.
Companies that understand this as an opportunity at their disposal, have an incalculable impact competitive advantage. The process is neither easy nor quick, but certainly ensures sustainability over time of the organization and better positioning at the time to incorporate and retain talent within the company.
workers' freedom is not measured the numerical representation of an election for representatives of workers, and another for the representation that they have their councils. Surely the workers and society in general are not particularly pleased with the work of trade unions in its scope. Might have to consider whether this model of trade unions has not time to make a breakthrough.
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