In this Christmas, we all make promises of change both physically and spiritually, the good intentions we accumulate waiting for the new year is just around the corner.
special and magical moment is the night of "Kings", the Kings are, and if there are any who still have doubts that it does look.
the year 2,009, the letters of which are dedicated to the role of Managing People in some facet or another, are full of requests, since childhood I was always told that in the years that we had behaved well, three was the greatest gift we could hope for, one for each Wise Man (Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar) so I would follow that tradition in my letter to ask a gift to each of them.
A Melchor "Serenity" in these moments of crisis in all areas (economic model, values \u200b\u200band references) it is important that we stay calm, without disturbing, gentle and if it is steady. There will be many situations will not be within our grasp and we must ensure a high degree of calm and caution.
Gaspar, "Value" is important to take risks, to assume an active and courageous role in changing those aspects that we assumed a certain responsibility that we lead change and put us at the forefront tasks often rewarding but will not dignify the role.
A Baltasar, finally, "Wisdom" knowledge is important but wisdom imbues us with a layer of empathy, understanding, prudence, authority that knowledge alone is unable to offer. If there is an area of \u200b\u200bthe company where most needed is a large dose of it, is in the management of people.
One of my gurus and Epictetus header in the first century, dividing the things we depend on each other and not depend on us. American political scientist and the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr is credited with a phrase that can sum up the reason for my three requests to Santa Claus: "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the I can, and wisdom to know the difference "
As always we hope that the Magi were generous to us, we asked one more" just in case ", this time my fourth request gift is precisely" Generosity "It is time to give without thinking how much we will receive in return.
I hope the Kings read this kind of letter and give us what they think we need most.
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