Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ron Pope Fireflies Piano Sheet Music


not usually make comments or posts on achievers in sport, but today I'm going to permit an exception, I think extremely well deserved. In my younger years I was very closely linked to both play basketball, and in support work in one of the clubs in the late 80's - when basketball was a big explosion and popularity in Spain was part of the most media .
remember my first trip to the United States and the fascination of going to see live!! my first match the NBA. Everything was spectacular and magnificent, has not been erased from my retina that image was the time when Europeans began to make their first steps in a team no pointers, and always as a substitute, at best, in some cases as the sixth man team. We remember the first English landfall in the American Basketball League - Fernando Martin, and now after 23 years of this milestone, Pau Gasol has become our "lord of the ring" of the NBA, could say many things about the race Pau Gasol, but something to highlight on the other, is apart from his pride, desire to excel, commitment to its objectives and challenges, and a great discipline, great design of his career and the consistency of it. This has made each step has been slowly climbing, having guaranteed to reach the top. That's why our "Lord of the Ring."
Here we are not yet aware of the importance that Americans have the rings, most of them carry some in your fingers with some symbolism. The most popular are those of the NBA, NFL, PGA etc., All worn with pride and satisfaction shown by our English society is not very "anillera" in this case, but appreciate the ring, at least what we value means and especially because it belongs to a English man who was almost asking permission to be a hole, and today is considered the turning point for a team without an identity and a great eccentric star has become a winning team under the guidance, yes, a great coach.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Letter Head For Community Service


has always amazed me the name of "social dialogue", as usual is usually that there is no dialogue and certainly is at least debatable whether social.Repasemos first of all the parties who are usually involved at all I want to disqualify the members, but let me doubt that now the participants have a clear awareness of the needs social. Unions have a mission and difficult ballot, since its survival is at stake, have failed or may have been adapting to new rules of society, much less to economic downturns and labor, their situation is precarious and if not by state aid, surely today its existence is residual, therefore have a weak position in any movement toward a loss of traditional employment rights would be interpreted by his dwindling supporters as a retreat inaceptable.La employer represented by CEOE, is the sum of many interests, it is sufficient fluctuations recent internal review to see that a common position and united is not easy, on the other hand the structure of the labor issues have been very capitidisminuidos other economic interests and relations with power. Government of the nation, not much to say, is governed to decide and if some do not agree it is the mission of making decisions that help companies and workers (self-employed or employees) to enjoy a good employment situation, what else is dereliction of duties. I've heard this week two former presidents Expomanagement the English government of different political, speak the same terms as labor reform. We wonder why them their mandate did not go beyond the reforms when we were all aware that it was necessary, or do perhaps is that the partners were not aware of it because they had other interests that prevented them from view?. We need urgent and profound changes, there is more dialogue social that society needs, and forget the spurious interests that each party may have, but we do so, we will be leaving the situation is worse with each passing day and we can afford the five million unemployed back to the corner.
(published in blog TT HRS)