This week I attended two meetings which were directly related to the business interanalización españolas.Uno of these was the presentation of the First Annual Report of the Observatory of English Multinational Companies (OEME) by ESADE Business School and ICEX and with the collaboration of the Fundación Cultural Banesto and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Under the pompous title of "The English Multinational Expansion: Strategies and Organizational Change" includes an interesting analysis of different areas of the current situation of enterprises. It is a fundamental aspect of our economy that multinational English companies to develop business outside of our country, as this will greatly help us to overcome or mitigate the effects of the economic crisis we are experiencing. Some data from the study are clearly revealing so important progress has taken place. Notes that Spain has been the 7 th in the world for investment outside its borders in the past three years as opposed to this light is the fact of the excessive financing to get this post have had to deal with companies and certainly we can pass some small bills at the moment. On the other hand, there are 2,000 companies that may be considered multinational, that it seems one more than respectable, but the reality or the shadow is that the criterion is to have at least one subsidiary outside the borders are controlled, through subsidiaries of these companies is 3 subsidiaries with what we're talking about an environment of 6,000 subsidiaries outside our borders. The mean number of subsidiaries whose parent companies are in developed countries is about 10 or so, with what we can deduce that we still have far to go in order to have at least some 20,000 branches. On the other hand, if we eliminate from the list of top 20, probably the picture would be somewhat less optimistic, and we would find that there is a substantial number of the 2,000 companies listed above have an almost testimonial one or at most two filiales.Por Finally, the challenges facing the expansion of English multinationals beyond our borders are, apart from the funding that we have said, is change their organizational structures and get to be strictly multinationals can change the process of organizational learning with higher contribution from subsidiaries to headquarters, the need to continue the process to avoid losing market positions in the coming years and last and certainly the most important, least in my opinion, talent management and the internationalization of managerial staff mainly in corporate centers. This coincides with the second forum where more restricted to professional Human Resources function and where a significant number of English majors pointed that the most important challenges facing their departments are essentially the talent management identifying youth with potential, managing diversity outside the creation of an identity corporativa.Como see, major challenges will undoubtedly make our organizations to achieve the objectives proposed and a great opportunity also for internationalization of their own human resources function.
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