Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric, has been back for a second time Expomanagement in Spain. The first time we met was just ten years ago this week. Over two thousand people had the chance to hear the question and answer session which was submitted. Some of us had the great privilege of share with him a few minutes previously. You can say things higher, but not clearer. Jack has been a person directly and with great sensitivity and humanity. When someone speaks from the conviction of empirical knowledge, knowing that it is not perfect and has made mistakes, and transmit their opinions with that belief, enthusiasm and passion, it is difficult to remain unmoved. I was lucky enough to participate in one of his most cherished projects, emotionally, and to share with him a few times - but few, very intense, but I can assure you we always had very "clear" what were the ways in which we had to move . Obviously any organization composed of people may have differences with different human behavior, but what is clear is that his passion for people as the only way to get the results was unambiguous. I'm sure many will have been reflected in some of the responses was flailing, some favorably, and others, again, not so much. Now there is only one option, I listened to implement, simple and very common sense, but a huge challenge when most of us are wearing the "lens that blinds" as say Dr. Mario Alonso Puig.
If you really want to make a qualitative leap in our organizations quitémonos the two lenses : That of the short-and excel above others and to make others excited about our project, and second we focus on financial aspects rather than people. Not me, also, word of Jack Welch, CEO more admired for many years, most admired company and greater market value and the only survivor of the first Dow Jones hace'más 100 years now.
Thanks Jack again and I hope we meet soon.
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