This Sunday, he appeared in the gospel a phrase which I thought from different angles. Most of them evidently with a positive sense of life, but there was one that made me think about what can be internalized in our model Christian social mistrust. Reza
the phrase " The difference between a pastor and an employee is true that the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep, because they are the meaning of life, while the hireling flees because it gives more importance to his own life than of the sheep . The interpretation of this picture is the love that Christ expresses for humanity. That said, the comparison can not leave anyone indifferent, and transferred to the first century AD, gives the image that already had difficulty then the owners of land and animals to get employees committed to their work. the Bible does not express their conformity with the situation, but rather the contrary, but we certainly can not ignore the fact that these examples may come to have, the interpretation is simplistic to assume that current employees are like employees in more than twenty centuries. If this image added phrases such as "earn their bread by the sweat of your brow" or many others, it seems that all the passages of the Bible could raise labor relations as something painful. In the last sentence above, what we infer is that our work we do with effort, dedication and responsibility and transferred to those times when these words were written, the sweat is identified with these behaviors because of the prominence of physical tasks to intellectuals.
therefore sought to be pastors, but we are employees and supplement this provision with responsibility and effort.
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