two days ago appeared an article by Eduardo Vizcaino, the digital newsletter "HR digital", which surprised me my first reading, then I discovered that it constituted a provocation, could not be otherwise because I know Ed and that's the only interpretation possible.
However I would like to make some observations on your comments:
1 .- Spain is a country that invests less in training their employees (third from bottom) of the EU member countries - Congresses gurus including, "so we have a long way to go.
2 .- The world since Spain is in quality of management, is the twenty-sixth in the three areas of strategic direction and manager are in a very low and very low in people management. We took the twenty-ninth in productivity and falling. There is a direct correlation between the two variables now.
3 .- Spain has approximately 30 years liberalized economy, and it is very desirable for being so young in the business world look to the countries that we have many years ahead and learn from their successes and mistakes.
4 .- In the last events I attended there was more English than foreign (out of approximately 137 150 participants were English). If some of the participants are world renown think it's a pride that despite the many offers they receive, keep choosing Spain as one of their destinations.
Training and people development in business is more than just one day, but an integrated process of internalization and continuity of efforts, which have to be accompanied by a quality management and a commitment to people as key businesses. Surely it would need much more we invest in all areas of training, "Gurulandias" included.
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