Saturday, October 21, 2006

Ocular Migraine Or Something Else


Communication "Internal" in the Company Strategy

Unquestionably, if we agree on something almost everyone is that the twenty-first century society Society information. Commented in a recent statistic that every 80 days is twice the volume of information available in the world, beyond the fact accurate or not, it is clear that the volume of information we receive is enormous.

How does this impact on the daily evolution of the business world? It seems logical that companies with the tools and resources available today, can make a much more informative work with their employees. It is undeniable that some of this is true, but it is also true that the saturation of both information channels and tools, you can create even more frustrating situations than before.

few weeks ago I had the opportunity to share a meeting with Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric for many years and one of the most admired executives and advisers. Asked in an interview about how technology affects business and its results, said: "I have not heard any executive said that with computers and mobile phones have improved life on the other hand - taking his Blackberry from his pocket recorders may be evil, I do not see how a manager can convey emotion, passion for a project, enthusiasm and commitment through this tool. I've always needed to see the eyes of the people I've worked ... .. ".

An example of course the new tools are not serve to replace the key role of "manager or chief" as essential and vital channel in the communication process, in any case, the tools used correctly can help decisively to improving communication and facilitating at the same time difficult task of managers.

In Spain, the study Cranfield-Esade 2005 was data that make us think that the long awaited "commitment of employees with the company" has not been reached and that new channels and tools have failed properly to employees. One example is that a quarter of staff are not informed about their duties and over a third of the operating personnel know their duties. The situation is very different in other European countries that includes the study.

Some of the most common mistakes that lead these situations are:

1 .- Lack of coherence or consistency between information and reality: The companies in an effort to inform and communicate corporately messages released that employees feel little identified. The facts of everyday life do not accompany the speeches and information that are published. Many times there is great difference between what is said and what is done.

2 .- False information issued: A few weeks ago a English multinational power company was ordered by a court of social discrimination and the employee portal featured a story saying he had been acquitted. What credibility can have that channel and a half to employees who know or may know the reality? As I said the magician Merlin in the movie of the same name "The reputation is like a mirror when you can no longer breaks rebuild. "

3 .- Lack of participation and updating content, methods or tools: When a feed or channel does not eat, lose its effectiveness.

how employees want to communicate with the company?

DIRCOM A study in 2003 reveals some clues already mentioned:

Nearly 40% of employees preferred as the first source to your manager. Second is the preferential source Intranet 20%.
The first, as a second source is the email, with just over 20%.
Over 70% of respondents have chosen the immediate superior in the top three positions as a source of information

is possible that in the interests of more technical information is being lost or leaving the essential background work of officers in the employee communication, highlighted by a study in another interesting year Corporate Executive Board 2004 on employee engagement and ways to increase it. Of the ten identified as key levers, four are directly related to the boss and communication skills:

Best employee performance is achieved when there is a feeling of personal connection with their work and organization, which is more effective than traditional economic incentives.

The most effective control is to increase the performance of its employees is providing support in their daily challenges, their positive feedback to be critical, meaningful, fair, accurate and detailed.

-organizational factors and cultural systems have a major impact on employee performance.

communication and personal interaction between employees, their direct managers, and senior management, is the heart of effective performance management strategy.

live a delicate time, in which communication may, in some cases the information is what prevails beyond a certain content, so we must avoid the temptation to stay on appearances and seek consistency and coherence between the message and the channels and tools used.

Today it is unthinkable that an organization's information and communication channels are not a cornerstone in the strategy of the company, which will not display serious problems to manage their business and especially to make their teams.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

How's Dsw Reward Program


How could it be otherwise, the football world has begun to change our daily lives. Debuted yesterday the English team in this World Cup, where we arrived by the back door of the playoffs.
I have to put forward that I am an absolute ignorant of the sport and therefore this is not a scientific article about the findings of football that I perform. As I could not watch the game - not like most of the English-after learning the result saw a summary. Themselves solely and exclusively to that summary, went on to narrate what I saw:
The first goal, there is a "header" that is done, not the head itself and that after hitting a defender opposite , goalkeeper can not punt, can not say that it is a beautifully crafted goal.
The second, materializes to throw a kick from outside the area and diverting one of the defenders of the barrier by the goalkeeper stretched useless.
The third occurs when the referee whistle a penalty, apparently non-existent, also the expulsion of one of the rivals went down to ten players, ie with one less for the rest of the game. If that was not enough, the launch of the penalty is pretty bad getting to touch the ball the keeper, but can not avoid, even for very little, the ball staying in your goal.
Of course, the fourth re done with a great play and the game time limit.
If all these incidents have not been as positive, the English team would have been in the last minutes of the match scoreless at the best. The truth is that it was not so and the game ended with a resounding 4 to 0, and most pleased with the English team play.
What does not appear in the summary that I had the opportunity to see, was the whole game plan, individual and collective work for more than 90 minutes, the desire, enthusiasm, commitment and other qualities that squandered many components of the English.
As shown, the results are important but were probably the most important aspects of attitudes, but are sure that the outcome had not occurred.
How many times in our business we look at only the summary result and overlook the other aspects that determined the outcome?
In any case, attitudes make a difference, and hopefully that attitude campenonato continue throughout the World Cup, which surely will lead to good results.

Friday, June 9, 2006

The Simpsonslockout/tag-out

César Pérez de Tudela, A LEADER

Perez de Tudela, A LEADER

Today I had the opportunity to attend the tribute under the auspices of the Community of Madrid is a tribute to the great mountaineer , adventurer, explorer, writer and intellectual who is César Pérez de Tudela. Much has been written and we discussed the characteristics of a leader. Everyone has probably had a point. Now go listen to the different participants in the act of homage I've been noting those skills or observable behaviors - in this case observed by them, and certainly make a compendium of what could be a leader. Surely when we talk about these behaviors or behaviors is the level considered necessary or circumstances that should be implemented, but it does not seem debatable is that they must be part of any person who aspires to be a leader. Step
list them as they have been exposed: TENACITY

, is one of the features that determined the success of many of the leaders, Caesar has had the highest degree and in limited circumstances.

COURAGE, another of the enormous differences between leaders and those who are not is that urge to go a step further and challenges with the conviction that they are achievable. GENEROSITY

, perhaps this is one that I consider as key, and on the other hand, the less common today. INDEPENDENCE

, the fact of not caring beyond what is necessary on the say and is closely linked to the COHERENCE , more than 50 years in the profession with a clearly marked line to confirm this.

SERVICE TO OTHERS, understanding leadership as serving others and not use them.

intellectual concerns, but obvious is transcendental, doctor, licensed in two races, a member of several academies, expert and knowledgeable in many fields, there is no doubt that we have a person with that behavior. PASSION

, no need to be more than two minutes with Caesar to sense how much passion and enthusiasm to live each of their experiences.

NOTICE ABOUT CASH or if anything stands out from other Caesar is his way of telling, whether live, writing, or on radio or television media to communicate your way makes their experiences are those of all who surround.

Besides these, I add other skills or attitudes that I could see clearly, and they are:

HUMILITY, to see how a person who has overcome great challenges and always tops the boundary edge and huge risks minimize them and their successes especially admired by others.

have a mission, always have a mission and a compelling reason to meet the challenges proposed.

Finally, I would say its great HUMANITY, a friend of his friends and yet every one of those who are on your side.

Therefore, it seems clear that we have a leader, and we would all possess these qualities in our daily work. Congratulations on this well-deserved tribute and hopefully with the passage of time is short to return to toast your new successes.

Receive my warm and loving congratulations.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

25,000 Student Loans Loans


Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric, has been back for a second time Expomanagement in Spain. The first time we met was just ten years ago this week. Over two thousand people had the chance to hear the question and answer session which was submitted. Some of us had the great privilege of share with him a few minutes previously. You can say things higher, but not clearer. Jack has been a person directly and with great sensitivity and humanity. When someone speaks from the conviction of empirical knowledge, knowing that it is not perfect and has made mistakes, and transmit their opinions with that belief, enthusiasm and passion, it is difficult to remain unmoved. I was lucky enough to participate in one of his most cherished projects, emotionally, and to share with him a few times - but few, very intense, but I can assure you we always had very "clear" what were the ways in which we had to move . Obviously any organization composed of people may have differences with different human behavior, but what is clear is that his passion for people as the only way to get the results was unambiguous. I'm sure many will have been reflected in some of the responses was flailing, some favorably, and others, again, not so much. Now there is only one option, I listened to implement, simple and very common sense, but a huge challenge when most of us are wearing the "lens that blinds" as say Dr. Mario Alonso Puig.
If you really want to make a qualitative leap in our organizations quitémonos the two lenses : That of the short-and excel above others and to make others excited about our project, and second we focus on financial aspects rather than people. Not me, also, word of Jack Welch, CEO more admired for many years, most admired company and greater market value and the only survivor of the first Dow Jones hace'más 100 years now.
Thanks Jack again and I hope we meet soon.

Bosch Dishwasher Troubleshooting


two days ago appeared an article by Eduardo Vizcaino, the digital newsletter "HR digital", which surprised me my first reading, then I discovered that it constituted a provocation, could not be otherwise because I know Ed and that's the only interpretation possible.

However I would like to make some observations on your comments:

1 .- Spain is a country that invests less in training their employees (third from bottom) of the EU member countries - Congresses gurus including, "so we have a long way to go.

2 .- The world since Spain is in quality of management, is the twenty-sixth in the three areas of strategic direction and manager are in a very low and very low in people management. We took the twenty-ninth in productivity and falling. There is a direct correlation between the two variables now.

3 .- Spain has approximately 30 years liberalized economy, and it is very desirable for being so young in the business world look to the countries that we have many years ahead and learn from their successes and mistakes.

4 .- In the last events I attended there was more English than foreign (out of approximately 137 150 participants were English). If some of the participants are world renown think it's a pride that despite the many offers they receive, keep choosing Spain as one of their destinations.

Training and people development in business is more than just one day, but an integrated process of internalization and continuity of efforts, which have to be accompanied by a quality management and a commitment to people as key businesses. Surely it would need much more we invest in all areas of training, "Gurulandias" included.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Domina Dressed Leather Long Coat


several weeks ago I read this information in an interview in "" John Ferrari, responsible for the weekend of Cinco Días, it recognized the handling and the pressures that they faced, I will discuss here the question and answer.

"Q: How do you get information on companies, when those same companies that financed in part to medium itself?

A: It's a balance sometimes difficult, but we try to cope as we can. But I do not want think the policy pressures that must have, even more than us, for sure. But hey, it's true, companies are paying ... It is true. Our readers our sources and our advertisers are the same, and that does not usually happen in almost any sector. And yes, those pressures exist: we receive and bands as we can. We survived, with more hits or fewer hits. "

In recent weeks, after this reading, and random avatars I have seen several episodes in which some cases of apparent transcendence of information, involving several the prinicipal companies in this country and where it seems some journalists had shown interest, alleged to have been silenced for reasons unclear directions, or comment on the brief information of the news, by higher of those media.

the absence of hard evidence of all the above, and moving in the field of probability, especially with the recognition by some journalists in these situations, we have no other choice at least, to doubt the credibility of the media economy.

I think this company deserves a degree of transparency, credibility and independence over all levels and institutions.

Homemade Platform Boat


In recent weeks I have had the opportunity to participate in several meetings where the female population was the majority. It was inevitable at some point address the issues relating to equal opportunities and the reconciliation of work, especially taking into account recent developments since enactment of laws and dinners for "women only" included. Some of the women participating in the meetings began to question whether the road had taken was appropriate. We all agree that equal opportunities and gender balance is a desire and a great need, so perhaps we are not knowing is, how it work. Positive discrimination, remain so, discrimination, there are nouns that do not support discrimination and not be adjectival think he feels good word "positive." Of course, all efforts are few when it comes to achieving a more just and equitable society in which all have the same opportunities regardless of race, religion, and of course sex. In the 50's, United inthis, when tested for incorporation of new musicians to the philharmonic orchestras are introduced a system intended to ensure fairness in the selection. At that time was a common feeling that women could never reach the level of virtuosity in the handling of musical instruments. The introduction of a curtain between the examining board - composed mainly of course by men, and candidates for the post is carried out via a curtain in between. It is from this point where women begin to see the bands, whose number has been rapidly increasing. In parallel, it is very important to ensure that opportunities to access education equal to men are real. I am convinced that the many women who are now part of the orchestra feel that the place which they do so with all deserving. The question is: what would have happened if they had agreed to these positions by a rule of percentages?. It seems that the road is obviously promoting equality of opportunity, and men have to defend strongly the initiative, but not appears instead that a long list of regulations limiting is the solution to a problem that should simplify both, equality is not in the equation in the numbers but in the equalization of opportunities for achieving greater equality regardless the outcome.

Monday, May 8, 2006

Desert Eagle Toy Pistols


This Sunday, he appeared in the gospel a phrase which I thought from different angles. Most of them evidently with a positive sense of life, but there was one that made me think about what can be internalized in our model Christian social mistrust. Reza
the phrase " The difference between a pastor and an employee is true that the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep, because they are the meaning of life, while the hireling flees because it gives more importance to his own life than of the sheep . The interpretation of this picture is the love that Christ expresses for humanity. That said, the comparison can not leave anyone indifferent, and transferred to the first century AD, gives the image that already had difficulty then the owners of land and animals to get employees committed to their work. the Bible does not express their conformity with the situation, but rather the contrary, but we certainly can not ignore the fact that these examples may come to have, the interpretation is simplistic to assume that current employees are like employees in more than twenty centuries. If this image added phrases such as "earn their bread by the sweat of your brow" or many others, it seems that all the passages of the Bible could raise labor relations as something painful. In the last sentence above, what we infer is that our work we do with effort, dedication and responsibility and transferred to those times when these words were written, the sweat is identified with these behaviors because of the prominence of physical tasks to intellectuals.
therefore sought to be pastors, but we are employees and supplement this provision with responsibility and effort.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Pain In Left Then Right Implantation Twins

On Monday, the return to work after the Easter holiday period, had a meeting first thing in a service leader in its sector of activity. The office, which had been previously, is apparently a place that could be considered a pleasant working environment. While waiting to hold the meeting with one of the heads of that company, had arrived some minutes before, I was taken to a room that was in a place which in those minutes transited several employees of the company that had just get to the office to start their journey. Each had a different attitude that made me think about how we approach our work colleagues earlier in the day. The truth is that few minutes were extremely interesting and led me to make a compendium of attitudes that occurred during that time and are usually see daily in our organizations and we broadcast ourselves to others.
I posted so a name to give a bit more informal. 1 .-

The sleepwalker : The first person who appeared before me went through looking but not seeing, as if he were still sleeping in the office and out of step to your final awakening. How many of us we pass people in the offices that we simply ignore because they have never been important to us? Or just welcome when accompanied by the boss? 2 .-

The shy : The second move was one that notices your presence but does not dare to say hello and whispers loudly between his teeth with a gesture of complicity in an unintelligible "good morning" trying to seek some understanding in your reply. 3 .-

The busy : It's going really fast even first thing in the morning after your holiday and walking through the rooms of the office with the lights off, because its focus is on the file on the other side of the room, only if you change a site furniture and put in their way perceived change, with what you invisible forms part of the furniture that day, if not annoying. 4 .-

The rude : What is the employee for which your presence so early in the office is a nuisance, since you're an outsider you're ruining the moment is the return to work, and I therefore directed a sharp look with an expression halfway between contempt and disregard.

At this point the feeling one has is that is in the right place at the wrong time, and surely - although he is satisfied that there is good work environment in the enterprise-not for both a good atmosphere.

Luckily things start to change, and appeared the other:

The sleepless : Spend a second time, "La Sonnambula" has already woken up and gives you a good morning greeting very correct, has looked and has seen you, now I noticed your presence, before he was in his world and now you're in the office.

The Gay : Finally gets a person wasting sympathy, and you plant a good morning and smiling with joy, almost singing and that is spreading to the rest his soul, and will devote the same enthusiasm, excitement and animosity to a greeting everyone so full of optimism for the moment it looks as if that office is suddenly light up and finally started to shine differently. ¡¡¡¡¡

How contagious are these attitudes !!!!.

still remember an organization in which I was responsible for a department began to take a measurement of our state of mind every day, introducing a bunch of different colors depending on our mood upon arrival at our department and doing the same go. We carefully count each day, we share, we were unable to advance and deepen why? a few days began well and ended worse, or why some less well began and ended better. The truth is that probably at least served to each of us to reflect on what affected us in our mind before we begin our work day and during it. Another aspect that surely we see is that certain attitudes of certain people we influenced and were infectious to others. Posts
to spread better be something positive, so the next day when I get to his job, his office or the first meeting say without shame and joy
¡¡¡¡¡ Good morning !!!!!!.

Prolapsed Uterus Hormonal Imbalance


Surge this article straight from Jesus Cacho published in the newspaper "El Mundo" in his "Wheel of Fortune" on Sunday 16 April. It explains the movements that seem to the President of the Santander Group is doing to promote a company union and keep the majority in the bank unions (UGT and CCOO, CGT and AMI).
'm a believer in freedom of representation and democratic and constitutional rights, but I also believe that in the business environment there must be ample room for the power of business organization. English trade unions today majority, I believe, have lost and are losing their representation in the workplace and companies. They do have an interesting institutional work in negotiating the terms of the labor market with employers and government.
mission is not sustainable in protest of the past councils. The work environment leaves little room for his actions, for some situations that are occurring and which we shall briefly enumerate:
a) Workplaces increasingly small and scattered (schedules, groups, subcontractors, etc)
b) Lack of homogeneous structure labor market (labor market is very rigid and with good working conditions for employees with greater seniority and against insecurity in the young with a very eleveda timing and a reduced economic conditions.
c) Dramatic increase services sector and reduction of employees in the industrial sector and the so called primary, usually highly unionized.
d) Privatization progressive public sector.
e) Globalization and internationalization of enterprises.
f) Increased academic and training of employees, with the consequent process of individualization of labor relations.

Against this backdrop, companies have a great opportunity to enhance management models based on the individualization of labor relations, building trust in their employees and anticipating the need for them. Taking advantage of this opportunity and renewed the psychological contract between employee and company so stunned at this time, organizations will notice a substantial improvement in employee commitment and results.
The goal is not to eliminate the trade unions and replace class with more or less related, it is not to exclude anyone, but it is the organization through integrated systems, and especially of some controls to understand that their main mission is to lead a team and get the best results, with the enthusiastic participation of everyone.
Companies that understand this as an opportunity at their disposal, have an incalculable impact competitive advantage. The process is neither easy nor quick, but certainly ensures sustainability over time of the organization and better positioning at the time to incorporate and retain talent within the company.
workers' freedom is not measured the numerical representation of an election for representatives of workers, and another for the representation that they have their councils. Surely the workers and society in general are not particularly pleased with the work of trade unions in its scope. Might have to consider whether this model of trade unions has not time to make a breakthrough.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Why Use Daylight Headlights


In the area of \u200b\u200bpeople management have seen how tools and methods are emerging that are moving through our organizations with more pain than glory. It is true that many of them were tacitly in organizations and what is done is explicit, it sometimes causes a loss of freshness and naturalness previously had. In other cases, print some of these tools methodology has clear benefits. Some are reaching an undoubted reputation. No doubt in recent times one of the stars has been and remains the Coaching in all its forms. In general terms the role of the Coach is to provide professional assistance to individuals and groups to achieve improved performance in activities desempeñan.Este goal is inherent and essential to the work of manager, but sometimes organizations are so immersed in their day to day we need some outside resources to perform certain functions that pertained to the members of the misma.Es clear the added value that a good coach has to a professional or occupational group, provided that this tool is part of a development plan be integrated and more of the same activity, to supplement and support other development activities. What I see in recent times with some wonder, is how companies use coaching with two goals in principle, have little or nothing to do with the above mentioned, namely:
1 .- As a marketing tool of the human resources function : Remember to where each boasted of hours of training imparted to its employees, flexible benefits packages with an ever expanding menu, etc. .., now the new coach ratio is how many I have hired and how many directors and managers of my organization I have included in a coaching program, ie, inventing a new word coach.
2 .- As an apology, excuse, justification, washing awareness or image before the realization of a previously adopted decision : few years ago, we stayed calm, when, after an improvement plan as a manager or control was not performed well, After a few months finally dispensed with it. It seemed so we gave him an opportunity for improvement, and subsequently watched the results we had no choice but to implement the decision we had made months ago. Being honest can say that very few plans for improvements have succeeded in restoring to the people in an acceptable performance level in their organizations. It seems as if it were necessary to show that we were right, and the only thing that matters is to save face before the rest of the organization. It's like having the manager on death row awaiting execution. Observed a very similar dynamic in recent years as far as coaching concerns, "we will put a coach to see if it improves," I've seen lately that many managers have left their organizations and those who had previously assigned a coach. It is still surprising, because if a coach's mission is to help improve performance and this is not achieved, it seems we can conclude that we are in a situation similar to the aforementioned improvement plans. That is, the coach acts of apology or justification for the decision. Yet in these cases the situation has some nuances even more complex, since the work of the coach is usually in most cases led to managerial attitudes, skills, leadership styles, ie less tangible aspects that related to the performance, which border on what is acceptable and what is not, is much more diffuse.
I hope we know among all limit the role of Coach to those aspects that really has a clear added value, and shun the surrogate generate nothing good in our organizations will not be that some start to tremble when your boss or human resource person that will suggest or communicate you going to put a coach in your life.

Friday, March 10, 2006

When Do Ocean Sunfish Usually Get Attacked

very few dates ago reflected a good colleague and friend, on the future of our society and our organizations. After an intense and at times heated debate, we concluded that both areas were inseparable and that inevitably will interrelation, with the causes and effects while back.
review what the "prior art" and without wishing to be much less pessimistic saw some dark clouds on the horizon. These clouds is what I call the "new social sins." These sins are being naturalized in our society and our businesses, and in many cases we have taken as normal behavior. I recently heard the term "unawarness Skills" to define those individual behaviors that we have and because they are part of ourselves does not repair them (eg if we are used to scream when we talk, we will not be aware of this issue, however bother us the cries of others), following the same path there are certain behaviors and attitudes which can be assimilated in this state unconsciousness. The new social sins to which we refer have this effect and are permeating evil in both society and are unable to differentiate and become normal behavior that is their real danger.
single out three attitudes / sins they begin to have a devastating effect on our relations would social and business:
1 .- lie or the lack of rigor in the truth observed as daily are not telling the truth and the famous phrase "where I say, I say diego" is commonly applied. Numerous recent examples could be cited, the numbers of participants in the demonstrations, statements about certain incidents, and what still seems more bleeding, the lack of rigor of the media in reporting. Not the same as either the maximum and minimum temperatures are the same from one period to another. It is logical to understand that each medium has its editorial line and thus express their views but it is deplorable that the information will appear as an "egg with a chestnut" depending on where you read, hear or see the information. This being serious, the worst thing is that eventually each of us seeks the information in the media that are more congenial to our interests. And no wonder, therefore, the excessive interest political groups is to control the media.
2 .- The lack of confidence or rather lack of confidence, certain areas of society have been and are what distinguish one from another advanced society that is not so. One of these is education, those countries that have invested in this section get better rates of social development. Was there at some point in recent history, a crisis of confidence in education as we live now?. The living teaching professionals every day is a lack of social recognition and also a loss of value in consideration that society gives them including their working conditions. Is there something so important in a society such as education and training of future generations?. There are other critical sectors such as health and increasingly looks more hindered its recognition. The situation of doctors and other health professionals in the world is plagued by mistrust and lack of recognition for this work. 3 .-
free forgiveness, it seems that the three new sins, this might be the least important. The truth is that it has a more quiet but very devastating long-term.
The company is losing the value that forgiveness has. When someone apologizes to do so from a profound reflection of having committed an error. No need to identify the error as a failure. Our country has a tendency to identify as well, I think quite the contrary, the well-founded error is a great opportunity for improvement (what would have happened if Edison's light bulb would not have tried more than a thousand times?), Which is not be confused is that learning from mistakes is also repairing the damage we have caused, and not to err in the same way again. Who errs and once satisfied with simple apology, without having internalized the failures, is sure to again make the same mistake and order a new forgiveness entitling her to continue acting in the wrong way.
If we can not minimize the impact of these social sins we will have an unenviable company. You must be loyal to the values \u200b\u200band principles, truth and ethical sense of coexistence and respect for others.