Thursday, December 30, 2010
Funny Speechs In Films
nose if it is for better or worse. Nor is whether any of this makes sense or if I am citing only dead words of my heart died. But I'm here, another day 30 and am gonna be 31 .... and I repeat that nothing makes sense. I still think already
in and although it seems that no, I'm willing as anyone and as ever, but is now a closed tuenti, some extra photos and those smiles when I see on TV and paula Gorka.
And I miss him, so I'll keep lying. I've been thinking about what I said, I guess that things all over, so better get lost forever. Sometimes it would be enough to know that you remember me ... even if it is not true and we all dreamed dreams are nothing more than an invention of the infatil me. But now what is ... or at least a part of who I am. And we are part of the same plastic, so I have something inside me that says that if this bad ... I will know .... just like him. I have something that tells me that lasts siempre.Porque will always be my baby and my gorka ... and my best time, my best moments, laughter, secrets, and memories. Siempre.Por
that tomorrow gonna be our day, just us and dedicate a picture you can not see ... but I hope you feel it inside him. Feel that I am keeping my promise and I will not forget anything and I will never leave you wanting.
normal people, I suppose it would spend the day crying because this or all that crap that makes you lose your way, but since I'm not normal, tomorrow I'm going to laugh, I'll think about it and I'll be happy.
As he wants it. Esque
But the truth is not all smiles, because he would love me Were Here, and like so many times get to laugh and to lose time. But sometimes I cry because all private LEEO .... and nose and what you think: $. It injuslo, I know, both for him as for me, and I felt the love is not love ... just a mistake that would not comment.
But I also know that things are well .... and remove the tears and doubts to smile for him, for me, for all I have, so we've been and it is worth. And I'll take the good moments that are absolutely almost everyone. And live to 300 km / h, but the 31 day strike, smile, cry two tears, I take a picture, I laugh, you think, smile and go back to playing fast (:
And it will be like this forever .... because I always to love.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Ladies Wellies Wide Fit
A letter ....
as we have not come to this truth, it also means that you love me more than I do, because you can not love anyone. Since you're just as nothing that evaporates when you want.
I have something inside that is killing me, which condemns me to remind you, something you do not know what to do with it, not how to stop it, or how to feel. Echo something I've forgotten everything I've been, everything I'll ever be. Echo
I have forgotten what it was looking and give everything to look, me echo forget how I felt when I was with you, I have forgotten that the good feelings, friendship, trust .... I lost my dreams, singing, dancing .... and not even me studies attempt to get me to go to college and study a simple race and then marry and raise a happy family. Since I'm not that so much have wished.
do not even know how I came to become so, in what I am now ..... but only that one day I woke up and was no longer with me ... and one day I woke up and dad was no longer another home .... I got up and I realized that I wanted to .... I guess that was because I never had the record straight, because I never knew that things end up ..... and I never thought I could happen to me, but look at me now.
What has become of the princess who both wanted all? What has happened to the kisses, caresses, the secret ......?
But this is what I am now .... and if you put in the middle, you away, and if you get the edge, mosqueo me and if I throw something in my face, I'll kill you .... it sounds horrible because I always I'm in the middle and not do anything but answer the face edge and throw all that bad ..... and not do anything but play with those people ..... I despise more than anything. Am I horrible? Watch where, and not even really care, because this is what I am, this is what I've become.
But lying if I said I'm strong, I am brave, I'd lie if I said I do not think ever in ti.Porque the truth is that if I do, I remember everything we've lived, I remember the beaches, parks, the gums, the dresses, the ripped jeans, t-shirts worn, the strawberry lollipop, your hobby with the color blue, your laughter, still remember your hugs and do not even know what I feel, and I have no fear of anything, but I long for your hugs.
But I have overcome, because I have certainly not going to return.
Just wanted you to know that I have changed .... and if you could see me now I sure as hell would hate .... say what a waste of time .... sometimes I miss myself .... sometimes special occasions, will return to those months, those years would return to those days ... where it made sense to continue.
continuous Why?
Because I'm so stupid that I keep the little hope that, someday, may be happy again.
Asique, despite all my changes that I have no heart, that nothing matters and that I sometimes think that nothing deserves as much punishment as then, that I am a proud .... continuous, so perhaps out of pride ... but what I have done until now and will until the end. Normally
as we have not come to this truth, it also means that you love me more than I do, because you can not love anyone. Since you're just as nothing that evaporates when you want.
I have something inside that is killing me, which condemns me to remind you, something you do not know what to do with it, not how to stop it, or how to feel. Echo something I've forgotten everything I've been, everything I'll ever be. Echo
I have forgotten what it was looking and give everything to look, me echo forget how I felt when I was with you, I have forgotten that the good feelings, friendship, trust .... I lost my dreams, singing, dancing .... and not even me studies attempt to get me to go to college and study a simple race and then marry and raise a happy family. Since I'm not that so much have wished.
do not even know how I came to become so, in what I am now ..... but only that one day I woke up and was no longer with me ... and one day I woke up and dad was no longer another home .... I got up and I realized that I wanted to .... I guess that was because I never had the record straight, because I never knew that things end up ..... and I never thought I could happen to me, but look at me now.
What has become of the princess who both wanted all? What has happened to the kisses, caresses, the secret ......?
But this is what I am now .... and if you put in the middle, you away, and if you get the edge, mosqueo me and if I throw something in my face, I'll kill you .... it sounds horrible because I always I'm in the middle and not do anything but answer the face edge and throw all that bad ..... and not do anything but play with those people ..... I despise more than anything. Am I horrible? Watch where, and not even really care, because this is what I am, this is what I've become.
But lying if I said I'm strong, I am brave, I'd lie if I said I do not think ever in ti.Porque the truth is that if I do, I remember everything we've lived, I remember the beaches, parks, the gums, the dresses, the ripped jeans, t-shirts worn, the strawberry lollipop, your hobby with the color blue, your laughter, still remember your hugs and do not even know what I feel, and I have no fear of anything, but I long for your hugs.
But I have overcome, because I have certainly not going to return.
Just wanted you to know that I have changed .... and if you could see me now I sure as hell would hate .... say what a waste of time .... sometimes I miss myself .... sometimes special occasions, will return to those months, those years would return to those days ... where it made sense to continue.
continuous Why?
Because I'm so stupid that I keep the little hope that, someday, may be happy again.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Joint Savings Account Halifax
So she sewed, and well ...
Hi everyone!!
I leave you with some of the little things that I've been doing lately to see what you think.
I leave you with some of the little things that I've been doing lately to see what you think.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sample Baby Congrats Messages
Carmen Chekeamisonrisa ....(: Chekea & Monica .... That moment
worldwide dedicated a plank, two, maybe three of her friends are dedicated photos and leave comments of friends .... and although I do with it is something different from when I do the rest. Always leave a different taste.
As each fruit has a flavor? For the friends too .... and she is not my friend ... is the sister I've always needed, is the perfect companion and emotions ... it's crazy that when I get depressed, when does this and when I fall say something crazy, this. :)
is it, nothing more or less, with whom I spent the best eight months of my life .... she is the one I've seen the last seasons Fisica o Quimica is she with whom I wept with THE INTERNAL Or, is she with whom I laughed with PALABRONES! is she who has shown me LOVE , which has taught me many things, which nevertheless, remains ME.
And through all that and more is worth one page of my blog, dammit, because when it comes to me VOICE bankruptcy, because nose and tell you I LOVE YOU and that this is forever.
And last as long as we want to fight for it ... and I do not think FILE
....:) THANKS , Carmen for being one of the few BEST people who have gone through my LIFE.
...... I'LL ALWAYS WILL, MY HALF ......
As each fruit has a flavor? For the friends too .... and she is not my friend ... is the sister I've always needed, is the perfect companion and emotions ... it's crazy that when I get depressed, when does this and when I fall say something crazy, this. :)
is it, nothing more or less, with whom I spent the best eight months of my life .... she is the one I've seen the last seasons Fisica o Quimica is she with whom I wept with THE INTERNAL Or, is she with whom I laughed with PALABRONES! is she who has shown me LOVE , which has taught me many things, which nevertheless, remains ME.
And through all that and more is worth one page of my blog, dammit, because when it comes to me VOICE bankruptcy, because nose and tell you I LOVE YOU and that this is forever.
And last as long as we want to fight for it ... and I do not think FILE
....:) THANKS , Carmen for being one of the few BEST people who have gone through my LIFE.
...... I'LL ALWAYS WILL, MY HALF ......
Sunday, December 12, 2010
All things end ... all things must come to an end.
When you meet someone not think about it ... or when you open the eyes of a beautiful dream look out the window and you're on a beautiful autumn day ... you happy and never think you have to finish it, and let the days pass you silly happiness.
But time passes and then you realize that things are not what they were, that things are going well and that you are killing glances ... and the relationship takes a step becomes different ... stiffer harder ... and then you wonder whether it is worthwhile to continue .... and make a decision.
At first it hurts a lot .... maybe it hurts too much and the world around you is crumbling down ... ... ... lost dreams and broken hopes .... and it all ends ... . Or it may happen that at first do not give importance, but as time goes .... and you lose the dream, he left all behind and dreams .... are breaking ... and so many hurts ... it hurts. Perhaps there are small
relationships that last beyond time, distance ... friends who live far away or people who see little by little .... but not the same two hours a day living a full life .... pain may work only things that are far away or too close .... that humans may also not be able to give much love to so many people.
But it always comes that moment ... the moment you have to make a decision ... and from there your life takes a full stop and nothing is or will be what it was before.
So look, it's true, there are things that if it's there are people worth fighting ... it's better not to lose ... because you'll never miss those moments with him / ella.....y then you think ... just .... well worth you let him get away because you were so proud that you realized that you needed.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Starting from scratch: new blog
Well as the title says .. we release!
A kiss
Hello everybody
@ s!!
@ s!!
Well as the title says .. we release!
I started a new blog, with different and special little things that took a while hovering through my head.
different supplements are 100% handmade hope you like it. If you want to know more, we are in
I hope there!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Why Do I Retain Fluid
200 kilometers per hour, live wildly without the least worry for the things around you, because you will not realize what life is like, only you. It is normal that people think you're crazy, you schools in the works of the M-40, running in front of the police, you run away far, far away, just to enjoy life .... live without worries, neither do important studies, not even yourself, because you just want to feel alive.
But then something happens, someone comes into your life, and this echo of the same plastic as yours. At first it is all a conversation, a game, a few laughs on a night, but you know that from there things will change, and the next day have changed.
Then, almost without realizing it ..... you begin to stop joining every day going over to that person, all photos, all the things you own. Your nonsense. Your confidencias.100 kilometers per hour, every day you slow down, because that person makes you loosen ..... and then you realize things.
you realize that the radio sounds 20 times a day your favorite song, you realize that your favorite color makes you feel good, you realize you've changed your world and that nothing will be as before. You also realize that there are millions of songs that you attach to that person, millions of colors, feelings. And they come in your head memories that never existed, there are scenes of movies that remind you of moments you have lived with him.
But time passes and things change. And at first you do not want to realize, you want to keep going on that spring day in the summer, even fall makes you happy, because it keeps bringing things he / she or his presence brings you one way or another. ... but in the end always comes the fucking winter.
And then you look around, trying to catch things that make you forget what hurts you is not here with you. Attempting to dress in blue, avoid the red or black that remind you of him, you want to try just one more spring .... see you try to repeat the follies of the past, such as escape from your home to see your favorite singer as punishment skip .... nothing, absolutely nothing is the same.
And that's when you realize that things only happen once in life and that memory will stay with you always.
200 kilometers per hour, live wildly without the least worry for the things around you, because you will not realize what life is like, only you. It is normal that people think you're crazy, you schools in the works of the M-40, running in front of the police, you run away far, far away, just to enjoy life .... live without worries, neither do important studies, not even yourself, because you just want to feel alive.
But then something happens, someone comes into your life, and this echo of the same plastic as yours. At first it is all a conversation, a game, a few laughs on a night, but you know that from there things will change, and the next day have changed.
Then, almost without realizing it ..... you begin to stop joining every day going over to that person, all photos, all the things you own. Your nonsense. Your confidencias.100 kilometers per hour, every day you slow down, because that person makes you loosen ..... and then you realize things.
you realize that the radio sounds 20 times a day your favorite song, you realize that your favorite color makes you feel good, you realize you've changed your world and that nothing will be as before. You also realize that there are millions of songs that you attach to that person, millions of colors, feelings. And they come in your head memories that never existed, there are scenes of movies that remind you of moments you have lived with him.
But time passes and things change. And at first you do not want to realize, you want to keep going on that spring day in the summer, even fall makes you happy, because it keeps bringing things he / she or his presence brings you one way or another. ... but in the end always comes the fucking winter.
And then you look around, trying to catch things that make you forget what hurts you is not here with you. Attempting to dress in blue, avoid the red or black that remind you of him, you want to try just one more spring .... see you try to repeat the follies of the past, such as escape from your home to see your favorite singer as punishment skip .... nothing, absolutely nothing is the same.
And that's when you realize that things only happen once in life and that memory will stay with you always.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Roller Blader Birthday Cake Art
Hi:) Well
first say that I am not a person to make decisions, so do not ask me because I saw the blog ... just press the "Create a Blog" and press. Simple. Simple.
that you can find here??
That is the most interesting because you are going to find anything .... Things
sad, happy, hopeful ... entries in so many words, perhaps too many, or only entries with pictures .....:) It's a mystery
But everything will be on my life, my adolescence and so title, Those crazy years ...
Hi:) Well
first say that I am not a person to make decisions, so do not ask me because I saw the blog ... just press the "Create a Blog" and press. Simple. Simple.
that you can find here??
That is the most interesting because you are going to find anything .... Things
sad, happy, hopeful ... entries in so many words, perhaps too many, or only entries with pictures .....:) It's a mystery
But everything will be on my life, my adolescence and so title, Those crazy years ...
Big kiss! :)
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