Sunday, December 12, 2010


All things end ... all things must come to an end.
When you meet someone not think about it ... or when you open the eyes of a beautiful dream look out the window and you're on a beautiful autumn day ... you happy and never think you have to finish it, and let the days pass you silly happiness.

But time passes and then you realize that things are not what they were, that things are going well and that you are killing glances ... and the relationship takes a step becomes different ... stiffer harder ... and then you wonder whether it is worthwhile to continue .... and make a decision.
At first it hurts a lot .... maybe it hurts too much and the world around you is crumbling down ... ... ... lost dreams and broken hopes .... and it all ends ... . Or it may happen that at first do not give importance, but as time goes .... and you lose the dream, he left all behind and dreams .... are breaking ... and so many hurts ... it hurts. Perhaps there are small
relationships that last beyond time, distance ... friends who live far away or people who see little by little .... but not the same two hours a day living a full life .... pain may work only things that are far away or too close .... that humans may also not be able to give much love to so many people.
But it always comes that moment ... the moment you have to make a decision ... and from there your life takes a full stop and nothing is or will be what it was before.
So look, it's true, there are things that if it's there are people worth fighting ... it's better not to lose ... because you'll never miss those moments with him / ella.....y then you think ... just .... well worth you let him get away because you were so proud that you realized that you needed.


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