Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sample Baby Congrats Messages

Carmen Chekeamisonrisa ....(: Chekea & Monica .... That moment

worldwide dedicated a plank, two, maybe three of her friends are dedicated photos and leave comments of friends .... and although I do with it is something different from when I do the rest. Always leave a different taste.
As each fruit has a flavor? For the friends too .... and she is not my friend ... is the sister I've always needed, is the perfect companion and emotions ... it's crazy that when I get depressed, when does this and when I fall say something crazy, this. :)
is it, nothing more or less, with whom I spent the best eight months of my life .... she is the one I've seen the last seasons Fisica o Quimica is she with whom I wept with THE INTERNAL Or, is she with whom I laughed with PALABRONES! is she who has shown me LOVE , which has taught me many things, which nevertheless, remains ME.
And through all that and more is worth one page of my blog, dammit, because when it comes to me VOICE bankruptcy, because nose and tell you I LOVE YOU and that this is forever.
And last as long as we want to fight for it ... and I do not think FILE
....:) THANKS , Carmen for being one of the few BEST people who have gone through my LIFE.

...... I'LL ALWAYS WILL, MY HALF ......


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