Saturday, March 12, 2011

Facts About The Flatbed Scanner

Teach SOURCE BOOK SPIRITUAL TEACHER ° OF ENOCH AND DR. AKALISUN. 3 - EDUCATION. WHAT IS YOUR POTENTIAL? Throughout my life I felt different from the rest ... GEN

tough time full of sacrifice and struggle, especially a lot of fight, but I have to tell you that you have more than ever heavenly aid, Have you ever wondered if you really have other groups, other people are working as they should? We want to give that information at this time.

Yes, there are beautiful people, lightworkers who are preparing the way for the Christ is born again, and let me I explain what that means:

many years ago came a Grand Master, a highly evolved to be paid for through him was given the New Introduction to New Breed but gave them more.

lessons conveyed at that time did not know or had known very little.

That Be who you called "Jesus of Nazareth", was a means to bring the new gene, the gene CHRIST.

Without this gene the human race was stagnant and were more animal than human.

He brought her and physically transmitted to their descendants.

This gene is a gene of crystalline light. In the land you would call gene silica.

For many, many years has been asleep waiting for the human race was ready to wake up and raise your vibrations.
already is and that gene is being activated.

Your physical body is being activated, is acquiring a new vibration hitherto unknown to mankind.

This seems to have been made overnight but has not been the case.

has taken more than 2000 years and many thousands of people shouting WANT COMING HOME! That was the key, the need for home.

Many confuse you and I were hooked on what you call aliens.

thought his ships were what you were going to take home. I have to tell you that it is not so.

Only the activation of the gene and consequently higher your vibration, have made it possible to conduct the "PLAN SET." But we say it is a very dangerous time.

Despite having the gene and increased vibration, many you may stay on the road.

The evidence is increasingly tough and will repeat many of which have already happened.
as a review of the lesson. Depends on you that the lesson is passed or not. the accelerating vibration problems as well. Both negative and positive things.

It is important that people know they are not alone, that there more than ever Beings, Spiritual Teachers waiting to help you ask them to get to your service do it!
Remember ye light workers who have to understand others, who you have to love them onto the way of truth and away from the path of the mirage, that road that many still believe that is the real thing.

Understand that if they do not know the other, when do you find your reality, you can turn against you. Fear the unknown creates aggression and violence. Treat them with love, even selecting who you want to share your way.

minds are unsettling if not vibration are for this time or when taking products that unbalanced and not just talking about drugs are some foods you harm.

know they are not easy times for any human, and still will be more, but if your teachers were in another lower vibration envy you because it is a unique opportunity to grow.
a human has never been able to make a change as large as now. ;
why we ask you not decaigáis that even though you may have to go through many changes at many levels and having to face it to new situations that leave you without power, continue, continue to grow, do not miss the joy.
Conformed with what you have and try for themselves to adapt to new times and know that you are not alone. I love the infinite love.

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For a better understanding let me tell you like a story.
Imagine God is the white light of the picture, and the blue that surrounds human beings.

We are not God but we are part of him one day in time eons ago, one of those highlights chose to experience emotions and told Papa God

- I want to know it is to suffer and have pain and feel pain, and know the joy, to know what are the emotions!

That glimmer was at the perfect moment, had the male and female.

It's like if you draw an eight and one party is male and one female.

If you remove one of the parties would cease to be an eight. To lower the planet earth the first step is to separate the male from female.

That's what they call soul mates and so on throughout our life we \u200b\u200bare always looking for because we are not complete without that part.

Each of these parties moves on experiencing and feeling all kinds of emotions but at some point in some life come together.

almost always is when they are about to accomplish their missions and are very close to home (again be part of God).

So when the two have fulfilled their missions and have come to experience all the emotions on this planet, come back home because they have learned to track, understand, overcome and finally transmute.
Only that time are prepared to meet again with God.
So there is no shame in making mistakes or having a series of dis-harmonious feelings because we have come here to feel them.

It's bad when you stay in them and can not overcome. That's when you delay your growth.

Let me go back. In order to have a physical body you must first pass by a slowdown in your atoms and therefore have different vehicles with different vibration.
are much closer to God, the more light is either more particles are accelerated.

So you going from a vehicle or subtle body to another and per vehicle you spend, slowing your atoms to finally be born into the human vehicle (do not lie in the words call it what you want, subtle body or vehicle or otherwise).

In the example of the photo would be as if each were a vehicle or spiral staircase leading down to the physical body as you see starts with the white, the highest vibration and just a denser color, like orange.

a result our physical body can withstand the vibration of our being.

these vehicles from the point of departure to the human body are:

• Causal Vehicle or Higher Self is the one closer to God, so that more light.
• Advanced Vehicles: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional.

• Finally: the physical body.
7 are said to be superior vehicles and 7 below

The human body is so dense you need those other vehicles to get to take a physical vehicle.
If vehicles pass through the various physical body would disintegrate. So you need those wrappers previous.

to researchers, the married couple and Valentina Kirlian executioner who created Kirlian camera, you can see the energy part.

picture made with a German camera
fingers picture camera made kirlian

The photo of a yellow aura, shows that this person at this time is vital and mental.

That color is formed at a given time is not your real color of the aura.

At that time was using his mind, under the yellow you see the real color of your aura is pink, but when mixed with yellow makes orange.

The following is the aura around the fingers of a drug addict.

The difference is considerable, almost no color, it is misshapen and dirty.

Eventually the energy part becomes body disease starting and ending weaker eliminating life of the physical body.

This is important to know because when we are sick, the disease first starts with the different energy level from vehicles then the physical body.

Some people are very sensitive to feel it and go to the doctor before the disease is manifested in the physical body.

Of course, an allopathic physician (doctor of natural medicine is not) will not know what happens and the patient was can mean a whole range of symptoms in the analysis if you do not get something, the doctor will swear that he has nothing.

The problem is that if something is not done at that time, the disease is manifest in the body and create many problems.

Sometimes when he says it is too late. Ideally, naturopathic doctors work together and allopathic physicians.

There are diseases that can not be deal only with the natural.

Thank God society is increasingly aware and no longer afraid to call things by their name.

Before word could not say because you took away credibility and few naturopathic doctors who dare to lose face by saying that word.

is now very common to hear on TV. It is not uncommon to hear "You have good energy" or "here is a good energy."

Sometimes the most incredulous, are able to accept the word energy if it is masked under another name.

A clear example is the Feng Shui. This philosophy that in many places is becoming a trend (although it takes thousands of years there), and accepted worldwide, is neither more nor less energy to create a harmonious environment.

Depending on how you put the furniture, mirrors and plants in certain places will create an atmosphere of harmony or just the opposite.

Shamans, men of power in tribes, always know these laws of harmony and their houses are decorated with plants and water in strategic places to create that harmony so necessary to humans.

I do not know because they are so afraid to say the word if, before the birth of what we are is energy and even after death we are still energy.
At that time we have become magicians. We can transmute magic and evil in our lives.
For that is what the human race is being prepared, to be co-creators.
We all just need to get more importantly, believe it.
Without this requirement is not possible to achieve anything and in a society where they are born they put the label of sinner and impure is very difficult you think you're co-creator.

It is important to know that you are part of God and therefore can not be a little thing or unclean or sinful.

have no place any these qualifications, you have to start from the basis that you have it all, you only need to remember.
why I prefer that when I give a course facilitator because it really tells me what I am doing is facilitating that whoever listens to me remember what I already knew.

is not uncommon to meet people who tell me: "I knew this but needed to hear."

At the time that each of us takes personal power and recognize what we are, and will not make sense or go to courses that teach you to solve your problems or to pay to any man, be it the church to pray for you, because you have the power to do you want.
This is one of the biggest reasons that neither governments nor the churches care about people to remember and take his power.

That would take it away from them and could no longer dominate the masses and live off the unbelievers who trust their good faith in them.

When a man assumes he is, will be responsible for his life and actions and be a more just society.

there goes the human race but in the meantime we begin to take each of us the role we choose.

If being on the spiritual path, we act consistently with our choice to be honest and transparent.


Journal: Daily
/ akalisun
Videos: / akalisun



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