Buenos Aires is becoming, slowly, in one of the fashion capitals of Latin America. Not only for its diversity of ideas and developed circuit design but also for its interesting schedule of parades and events related to copyright fashion. Within this context Buenos Aires born Runway, this March 22, 2011 will play a specialized gateway. I scored!.
Buenos Aires: Buenos Aires premiere
Runway, is part of the work grounded by the Metropolitan Design Center (CMD) associated with the promoting employability through organizations and trade schools , along with support to companies in trade fairs and the development of skills to boost exports. last year may know, personally, the work of Min Agostini (photo 1), Martin Churba (photo 2) and Mariana Dappiano (photo 3)
Runway Buenos Aires, with the help of the prestigious agency IMG, try to develop within the calendar international fashion and thus positioning the City of Buenos Aires as a reference design and fashion . For the same reason in the first edition has selected renowned group of designers from Argentina:
15.00hs. Daniela Sartori
15.15hs. Min Agostini
16.30hs. Marcelo Senra
18hrs. and 19.45hs. Video "Retrotramando" - Tramando
18.30hs. Mariana Dappiano
18.45hs. Fabian Zitta
20hs. Laura Valenzuela
Close 21hs. Mariano Toledo
I can only wish them the best of luck to Buenos Aires Runway and await the outcome of this gateway, which promises to become a must-season.
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