The pairing wine and cosmetics can be amazing. At least that was the feeling I got after trying the online Wine-Age of AndenS a complete cosmetic line that uses the full potential offering grapes to create products that stop the clock. L @ \u200b\u200bs invite you to know my opinion after trying it.
Andeans: my experience
first thing that struck me when I handed my bag Ale Andeans was the legend: "Green is a color, is a way of life." Opening it I found five sensitive products packaging and color. Fluid cleansing, exfoliating gel, tonic astringent, eye contour cream and body lotion.I tried every one of them, finding the delicate aroma and flavor, and it left my skin soft. Although it is still premature to verify its antioxidant and anti-aging therefore, clear that there could I have become his fans, thanks to its excellent equation organic + good design + a formula that involves .
Packaging: both its packaging and containers are 100% recyclable . In fact all the boxes are made from 70% recycled paper and 30% of pinching.
Design: Taking the Bordeaux grapes like thread on a brown background, you design evokes the organic and the sophistication of a product made to feel like a spa, but at home.
Products: have a soft scent, not tide or upset, and adapting to individual ph without creating strange combinations with cologne or perfume. Ideal for those who love the products derived from fruit. They textured easily absorbed in the case of creams, no mess, no clinginess, in the case of exfoliating gel. I tried the entire range deliver a sense of comfort from day 1.
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