Fierro Villa Altagracia (namesake brand) is a designer character. That not only how to shout to the world ( and take it with your hands) , but also in collection development. In this opportunity, we will as a gesture "overlock Prototypes," his latest work of textile jewelry, taking us back to the fracture and the Latin American identity.
About Overlock
Prototypes "The collection of 'prototypes overlock' has been prepared based on the idea of \u200b\u200ba field test. These stress through a new procedure, my previous collections, relieving my concern about the material and design . While the effects of both on the conceptual map, which governs this project in a wider sphere of interdisciplinary court, called Fierro Villa Altagracia. The value of this raid results in terms of ethics and aesthetics. The first through the use of waste materials under the organ mechanically coupled symbol of the industrial age- alienating effects of which are food for thought in the policies and values \u200b\u200bof Altagracia. The second product is a reflection purely aesthetic results in the generation of a variable visual, narrative and design with which it is possible to make a difference to my previous proposals.Complacency manual restorative work is put in clear opposition to the machine. Not only these are the possibilities of the object, while single handmade object. Auratic value is crossed by the insistence of the technology, but its repetitive act, falls just a body without a copy. Magic repetitive industry invested in the production of an object without equal .
At first motivations of using the overlock and the creation of a prototype (as a template or base of iterations later) not involve aesthetic or discursive proximity to previous models. This research responded to the self-imposed technical distance in the work and procedures. Such a gesture would take the defeat of romanticism. A sort of private and allegorical reconstruction of the emergence of capitalism and modernity lived within my craft production. Thus, this simulation allowed me to critically observe and experience a reactionary and dangerous that he had installed in the space domesticated under the Latin American stereotype of local, exotic and rebellious .
My new proposal maintains its subversive base in the theft of scrap society, the postindustria. But are registered under a design format which mimics the processes exclusive aesthetic appreciation now shares with art. The foundational framework remains the same: to ruin or spoil, wool-cum-other, are united without previous diagram, under the imprint of its structure . It is an assembly kit, puzzles and maps. Cartographies of a waste.
This new line of accessories is organized under the framework of a geographical skin fractured into an outfit post local shock. The Chilean is present in the fault, fracture, map terrain, movement. Reconstruction of ruins and spectacle of the cut together and recontextualized under vacuum model piece of information. This sum of traces is a convenient break. There is inspiration.
However, the staging of the product, under the footage that exceeds all possible and likely leads to extreme asepsis body has the intention to denote an invisible evil and a trial order to add to drill in this collection, contrasting a body without a trace, no history. It represents the fourth body, virtual and gas, holding a land plot. is the image where stands the body-sphinx-screening . Altagracia and transparent artificial decorated with a conceptual map of bias accessory and biopolitical Latin America. "
(Photos Courtesy of Villa Altagracia Fierro)
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